Clinic & Safety Protocols

The safety of our patients and our practitioners is of the upmost importance. We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to the following safety protocols:

1) If you are experiencing the following symptoms of COVID please contact your primary care provider - we cannot see you in the clinic.

  • Fever

  • Respiratory issues - shortness of breath, cough, difficulty breathing

  • Chills

  • Unusual or new muscle pain

  • Unusual or new headache

  • Sore throat

  • New loss of smell or taste

2) If you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID we cannot see you for 14 days after that contact took place unless you have tested negative for the virus.

What to expect upon your arrival at the clinic:

1) Face masks are optional.

2) All of our linens are single use.

3) We are practicing social distancing and are staggering our appointments. Please do not bring other people to your appointment unless needed for translation or physical assistance. Please do not come in groups larger than three.

4) For new patients - please complete your new patient intake and health history paperwork online prior to your appointment.

5) We are practicing contact-less payment. If your credit card is not already stored in your profile, you can scan it in upon checkout.

6) Please practice good cough and sneeze hygiene using tissues that are supplied in the clinic

7) All of our treatment surfaces are disinfected after each use.

8) We have in place daily disinfectant protocols and weekly deep cleaning for our clinic and office space.